First Name (required):
Middle Name:
Last Name (required):
Other Named Insured:
Mailing Address:
Property Address (if different from mailing):
Telephone Number:
Email Address (required):
Website Address:
FEIN or Social Security #:
Retail %:
Wholesale %:
Importing %:
Type of Company:
IndividualPartnershipCorporationJoint VentureSubchapter S CorporationNot For Profit OrganizationLLC
Date Business Started (mm/dd/yyyy):
# of Years in the Industry:
Current Insurance Carrier:
Policy #:
Expired Date (mm/dd/yyyy):
Nature of Business:
Year Built:
Number of Employees:
Percentage Occupied:
Square Footage:
Number of Stories:
Number of Apt Units:
Construction of the Building:
Burglar Alarm:
Smoke Detector Alarm:
Year of Update for Roof:
Year of Update for Electricity:
Year of Update for Heat:
Year of Update for Plumbing:
Business Income:
Improvements & Betterments:
Name of Mortgagee or Landlord:
Glass Coverage:
Linear Feet:
Umbrella Policy Coverage:
YesNo1 Million2 Million3 MillionOther
*Please attach supplementary sheets for additional premises.
1. Is the applicant a subsidiary of another entity?
If yes, please state reason
2. Does the applicant have any subsidiaries?
3. Is a formal safety program in operation?
4. Any exposure to flammables, explosives, chemicals?
5. Any catastrophe exposure?
6. Any other insurance with this company or being submitted?
7. Any policy or coverage declined, canceled or non-renewed during the prior 3 years?
8. Any past losses or claims relation to sexual abuse or molestation allegations, discrimination or negligent hiring?
9. During the last five years, has any applicant been convicted of any degree of the crime of arson?
10. Any uncorrected fire code violations?
11. Any bankruptcies, tax or credit liens against the applicant in the past 5 years?
12. Has business been placed in a trust?
Date of Occurence (mm/dd/yyyy):
Type/Description of occurence or claim:
Date of Claim (mm/dd/yyyy):
*Note: Five year loss history required.
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